
Mal- Mis- Disinformation and the Role of Whistleblowers

Day 1 - Session 1 - 5th of May 2022
Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth in the age of disinformation
Interactive Table of Contents
Panel Introduction: Prof. Nicholas Ryder
Presentation 1: Dr. Vasileios Petropoulos
“The interrelation between tax crime and corruption: The Greek experience” -
Presentation 2: Dr. Branislav Hock
“The interconnections between tax crimes and corruption in the United Kingdom” -
Presentation 3: Dr. Pietro Maria Sabella
“Challenges in framing and fighting fiscal corruption in Italy”
Day 1 - Session 1 - 5th of May 2022
Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth in the age of disinformation
Table of Contents
Panel Introduction: Prof. Diane Ring
Presentation 1 [from 02:05]: Dawn Wooten
“Disinformation affecting society’s most vulnerable individuals” -
Presentation 2 [from 20:30]: Samantha Feinstein
“Disinformation and whistleblowing in the public sector: a reflection on the project outcomes” -
Presentation 3 [from 35:00]: Mary Inman
“Disinformation and whistleblowing in the private sector: a reflection on the project outcomes” -
Question & Answer Time [from 52:30]
Important Note
It has not been possible to upload the video recordings of this first session on YouTube because the content has been removed. The reasons behind the removal appear to be related to an alleged "disinformation in the medical field." YouTube has used a generic justification (see below) and has not clarified in which sense or what parts of the video are supposed to include false pieces of information. After filing our appeal online, it was rejected in a few minutes ("after careful consideration") with no further details included even if we expressly asked for them. This is a worrisome situation that, unfortunately, demonstrates how the social network attempts to stop disinformation are inadequate and may actually generate disinformation... As a result, we decided to host the video on our website. As you will have the opportunity to appreciate, the first session consisted of an important and insightful discussion focused on how disinformation is generated and how we should fight against it. For the sake of correctness, we include below the content of the email received from YouTube.
Email received from YouTube Community Guidelines on November 14, 2022
"... Our team has reviewed your content and sadly we believe it violates our medical disinformation policy. We have removed the following content from YouTube: Video: Whistling at the Fake - Final Conference (Day 1, Sess. 1) Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth.
How your content violated the policy
YouTube does not tolerate content that disseminates medical misinformation that contradicts information on COVID-19 provided by local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO), for example about methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, as well as the related transmission methods."
Email received from YouTube Community Guidelines after the appeal on November 15, 2022
"... We have reviewed your appeal relating to: Video: Whistling at the Fake - Final Conference (Day 1, Sess. 1) Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth
Following careful review of your content [just a few minutes actually], we have confirmed that they violate medical disinformation regulations. We know this may disappoint you, but it's our responsibility to make YouTube a safe place for everyone.
The effects on your content
The content in question will not be reintegrated on YouTube.
If your appeal was about a notice, you will not be entitled to a further notice in the future.
If your appeal was about a warning, it will remain on your channel.
You can find more information on warnings and warnings in the YouTube Help Center.
Thank you,
The YouTube team"
Suggested Citation
APA: [Speaker's surname, initial(s)] (2022, May 5). Whistling at the Fake International Final Conference, Day 1 - Session 1, "Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth in the age of disinformation", Video recording at [00:00]. Retrieved from https://www.corporatecrime.co.uk/whistling-at-the-fake-final-conference-day1-sess1
HARVARD: [Speaker's surname, initial(s)] (2022) Whistling at the Fake International Final Conference, Day 1 - Session 1, "Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth in the age of disinformation". Video recording at [00:00]. Available at: https://www.corporatecrime.co.uk/whistling-at-the-fake-final-conference-day1-sess1
OSCOLA: [Speaker's name and surname] ‘Whistling at the Fake International Final Conference’, Day 1 - Session 1, "Whistleblowers as gatekeepers of the truth in the age of disinformation" (Corporate Crime Observatory, 5 May 2022), Video recording at [00:00], <https://www.corporatecrime.co.uk/whistling-at-the-fake-final-conference-day1-sess1>

Chair - Prof. Diane Ring
Diane Ring currently serves as the Interim Dean of Faculty, Professor of Law and the Dr. Thomas F. Carney Distinguished Scholar at Boston College Law. She researches and writes primarily in the field of international taxation, corporate taxation, and ethical issues in tax practice. Her recent work addresses issues including information exchange, tax leaks, international tax relations, sharing economy and human equity transactions, and ethics in international tax. Diane was a consultant for the United Nation’s 2014 project on tax base protection for developing countries, and the U.N.'s 2013 project on treaty administration for developing countries.

Dawn Wooten
“Disinformation affecting society’s most vulnerable individuals”
Dawn Wooten, LPN, is a whistleblower whose commitment to medical ethics led her to speak out and demand justice and dignity for immigrant women detained by the U.S. government. While working at the Irwin County Detention Center (ICDC), a private prison that housed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees in Ocilla, Georgia, Wooten witnessed unsafe work practices and a lack of medical care that led to the spread of COVID-19 within the facility and in the larger community.

Samantha Feinstein
“Disinformation and whistleblowing in the public sector: a reflection on the project outcomes”
Samantha Feinstein is a Staff Attorney and Director of the International Program at the Government Accountability Project. She develops and advances private sector whistleblower-rights legislation; represents public, private, and international whistleblower clients; and conducts research, training, advocacy, and public education for the international program. Ms. Feinstein is co-author of the Government Accountability Project and International Bar Association joint report "Are Whistleblower Laws Working? A Global Study of Whistleblower Protection Litigation," published in March 2021. She also authored several other articles, chapters, and blog posts.

Mary Inman
“Disinformation and whistleblowing in the private sector: a reflection on the project outcomes”
Mary Inman is a partner in Constantine Cannon’s London Office. After 20+ years representing whistleblowers in the U.S., she moved to London in 2017 to launch the firm’s international whistleblower practice. She specializes in representing whistleblowers worldwide under American reward programs. Her efforts on behalf of British whistleblower Andrew Patrick were featured in a recent New York Times article. Her successful representation of three whistleblowers exposing fraud in the Medicare Advantage program was featured in a recent New Yorker magazine article.