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Mal- Mis- Disinformation and the Role of Whistleblowers

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Day 2 - Session 1 - 6th of May 2022

Disinformation, Scientific Integrity, and Whistleblowing

Interactive Table of Contents

  • Panel Introduction: Dr. Laure Ognois

  • Presentation 1: Dr. Virginia Burkett
    Silence over science: Unethical political interference in government science

  • Presentation 2: Prof. Frits Rosendaal
    Whistleblowers as safeguards of scientific truth: The position of academic institutions

  • Presentation 3: Dr. Peter Doshi
    Improving the integrity of science: the role of investigative journalism

  • Presentation 4: Dr. Dawn Carpenter 
    The value of truth in science

  • Presentation 5: Dr. Babak Babakinejad 
    Integrity and disinformation risks in elitist academic environments

  • Question & Answer Time

Suggested Citation

APA: [Speaker's surname, initial(s)] (2022, May 6). Whistling at the Fake International Final Conference, Day 2 - Session 1, "Disinformation, Scientific Integrity, and Whistleblowing", Video recording at [00:00]. Retrieved from


HARVARD: [Speaker's surname, initial(s)] (2022) Whistling at the Fake International Final Conference, Day 2 - Session 1, "Disinformation, Scientific Integrity, and Whistleblowing". Video recording at [00:00]. Available at:

OSCOLA: [Speaker's name and surname] ‘Whistling at the Fake International Final Conference’, Day 2 - Session 1, "Disinformation, Scientific Integrity, and Whistleblowing" (Corporate Crime Observatory, 6 May 2022), Video recording at [00:00], <>


Chair - Dr. Laure Ognois

Laure has been the Director of Research Services at the University of Geneva since 2014. She was the Director of International Affairs at the German University of Administrative Sciences (GUAS) from 2009 to 2014. She holds a double degree in Modern History from Tübingen University and Aix-en Provence University as well as a Ph.D. in Modern Swiss History from Tübingen University. She also holds a Master in Public Administration with a focus on Science Management from the German University of Administrative Sciences. She is a member of the LERU research community and a member of the steering committee of the LERU research integrity community. She has been Vice-president of the Ethics University Commission for Research at UNIGE and is an evaluator for the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).


Dr. Virginia Burkett
Silence over science: Unethical political interference in government science

Virginia Burkett is Chief Scientist for Climate and Land Use Change at the U.S. Geological Survey.  She was USGS Associate Director for Climate and Land Use Change (2015-2017) and Chair of the US Global Change Research Program (2017-2019).  She is an author of 80 publications on the topics of climate change and low-lying coasts, including four IPCC reports and three U.S. National Climate Assessments.  Burkett has served on over 70 Commissions, Science Panels, and Boards.  She is an Editor of the journal Regional Environmental Change.


Prof. Frits Rosendaal
Whistleblowers as safeguards of scientific truth: The position of academic institutions

Frits Rosendaal is a Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and chairman of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology at the LUMC. His research is into the causes of cardiovascular disease. In 2003 he received the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands. He is elected fellow of the Royal Academy of Science and Arts, as well as of the German Academy Leopoldina. In 2011 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Paris Descartes. He is a member of the Committee on publication ethics (COPE), a member of the Research Integrity policy group of the LERU universities, and a co-chairman of the Scientific Integrity Committee of the University Leiden and the LUMC.


Dr. Peter Doshi
Improving the integrity of science: the role of investigative journalism

Peter Doshi, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and a Senior Editor at The British Medical Journal. His research focuses on the drug approval process and improving the credibility and accuracy of evidence synthesis and biomedical publications. Doshi leads the Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials (RIAT) initiative, which aims to ensure clinical trial publications are accurate, and complete, and data are publicly available. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University and received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 


Dr. Dawn Carpenter
The value of truth in science

Dawn Carpenter teaches Finance at The Catholic University of America and is a Practitioner Fellow at the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor at Georgetown University. Her work focuses on contributive justice theory as a moral foundation for business ethics. Dr. Carpenter earned her doctorate in Liberal Studies (Ethics) from Georgetown University and holds graduate degrees in Catholic theology, public finance, and political science. Dr. Carpenter, who is the host of the "What Does It Profit?" podcast, contributes to public engagement and visibility efforts to promote the insights and understanding gained during the project. 


Dr. Babak Babakinejad
Integrity and disinformation risks in elitist academic environments

Babak Babakinejad holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Nanotechnology from Imperial College London, an MSc from the Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital, and a BSc in Molecular Genetics from King’s College London. In his capacity as Research Scientist and Research Lead at MIT, he was a whistleblower with respect to public safety concerns and the lack of scientific integrity at MIT's Open Agriculture Initiative. He previously served as Research Ethics Committee expert member in the U.K. and worked at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard focusing on developing ultra-sensitive genomics technologies..

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