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Writer's picture: Corporate Crime ObservatoryCorporate Crime Observatory

We are delighted to invite you to the research roundtable event entitled “Compliance, Avoidance, and Evasion in Taxation: The Role of Professionals - The Bright Area,“ which will be held on Zoom on the 3rd of February 2023 from 2:30 pm GMT (10:00 am EST) - Registration link (free).

This study, on the role played by tax professionals, is a continuation of the comprehensive research activities carried out within the project “VIRTEU (Vat fraud: Interdisciplinary Research on Tax crimes in the European Union),” which was funded by the European Union (

This first international roundtable will focus on “the bright area” of tax professionals’ activities. It will explore in an innovative way the key role played by professionals in the area of tax compliance with a special emphasis on ethical approaches and adherence to the rule of law. The roundtable series is co-organized by Prof. Diane Ring, who serves as a Professor in Law at Boston College Law School, Dr. Costantino Grasso, who serves as an Associate Professor of Law at Manchester Law School, and Dr. Donato Vozza, who serves as a Lecturer in Law at the University of Roehampton.

The following terrific list of panelists (in alphabetical order) will participate in this event, which will be moderated by Prof. Diane Ring:

· Robert ATTARD, EY Malta Tax Leader Partner

· Scott CUMMINGS, Professor of Legal Ethics and Law at UCLA School of Law

· Elaine DOYLE, Associate Professor of Taxation at the University of Limerick

· Samantha FEINSTEIN, Director of the International Program at GAP

· María Amparo GRAU RUIZ, Professor in Tax Law at Universidad Complutense de Madrid

· Henry GRZES, CPA Lead Manager, Tax Practice & Ethics, Public Accounting

· Mary INMAN, Lawyer and Partner at Constantine Cannon LLP

· Nina OLSON, Executive Director at the Center for Taxpayer Rights

· Daniel OSTAS, Chair in Business Ethics at the University of Oklahoma

· Jens POLL, Honorary Professor at the University of Ulm and Member of the Board of the IESBA

· Carlos WEFFE, Associate Professor of Tax Law at the Central University of Venezuela, CCO

The international roundtable will begin with a case study presented by Prof. Jens Poll, and then the event will then be divided into three thematic sessions:

Case Study - 02:30-2:40 pm GMT (09:30-09:40 am EST): The new sections of the IESBA’s Tax Planning and Related Services - Exposure Draft (Jens Poll)

• The first part will focus on the relationships between and among tax professionals, the state, taxpayers, and society as well as on how tax professionals are regulated. The session is planned to be held from 02:40-4:00 pm GMT (09:40-11:00 am EST).

• Break - 04:00-4:15 pm GMT (11:00-11:15 am EST)

• The second part will focus on the ethics of tax professionals and their role in enforcement actions. The session is planned to be held from 4:15-5:45 pm GMT (11:15 am -12:45 pm EST).

• Break - 05:45-6:00 pm GMT (12:45-13:00 am EST)

• The third part will explore and examine the role of tax professionals in the context of globalization and capitalism. The session is planned to be held from 6:00-7:30 pm GMT (13:00 am -14:30 pm EST)

Join for free what promises to be a fascinating discussion using the following link:

Overview and breakdown of topics

#tax #compliance #avoidance #evasion #abuse #professional #facilitator #enabler, #lawyer #accountant #auditor #complianceofficer #intermediaries #authorities, #gatekeeper #regulator #justice #ethics #integrity #sustainability #development #SDG #ESG #businessintegrity #businessethics #professionalethics #crime #criminallaw #taxlaw #taxation #international #accounting #firm #bigfour #lawfirm #whistleblowing #whistleblower #CSR #corporation #multinational #lobbying #regulation #law #remuneration #bonus #conflictofinterests #undueinfluence #legalfees #equality #fairness #independence #business #state #government #conduct #prosecution #investigation #market #globalization #capitalism #freedom #rights #stakeholders #shareholders #loyalty #value #advisor #consultant #codeofethics #barassociation #professionalboard #AICP #IESBA #IBFD #SRA #ABA #barrister #solicitor #attorney #counsel #in-house counsel #notary #VIRTEU #CCO #corporatecrimeobservatory #CSRBlog #corporatesocialresponsibility #corporategovernance #corporatecrime


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