We are delighted to announce the launch of the innovative scientific review "Journal of Economic Criminology," published by Elsevier and directed by our Associate Editor Dr. Branislav Hock together with Prof. Nicholas Ryder, with the participation of our Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Costantino Grasso, as one of the Advisory Board Members.

The objective of this new interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed scientific journal is to become a reference point for the area of economic criminology. This journal welcomes manuscript submissions on a broad array of topics, including "various types of economic crime, explanations of offending and victimisation, crime prevention, public and private policing, compliance, legal systems, justice, among others. It encourages submissions that push theoretical boundaries for issues salient to economic criminologists and welcomes rigorous quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods empirical research. The journal aims to be geographically diverse in terms of the backgrounds of researchers and the subject matter of the research."
In particular, the "Journal of Economic Criminology welcomes submissions that consider the following topics:
• Corruption, Bribery, Money Laundering, Global Sanctions, and Terrorism Financing
• Intellectual Property Crimes, Price-Fixing, and Cartels
• Preventing economic crime and corporate compliance
• Corporate Economic Crime
• Illicit Financial Flow
• Financial Intelligence and Related Investigations
• Economic Crime Measurement
• Sanctions against economic crime criminals
• Victims of economic crime."
The homepage of the journal can be found here: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-economic-criminology
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